Soul Alignment Alchemy Coaching
“I wanted to give a shoutout to Emily who is an Energy Alchemy Coach for Women who feel they are at a loss in their life. I have just finished Emily’s Soul Alignment 12 week coaching and it is the utterly bestest thing I have done for MYSELF in EVER!
Funny isn't it how we think we know it all and can get ourself back to where we want to be. I'm doing it i say to myslef.... who am I kidding. I will do it. Yeah I'm on the path. But really we are still stuck in the rut hoping that we will climb out of it.
Before I started with Emily I was feeling so lost and confused. Pretty much given up on myself ever having a life, an adventure, a purpose after raising my son. Awesome kid by the way... good job me!
I was feeling so disconnected with self. Really if I'm honest I felt hopeless and useless. Lots of trauma just built up over the years and I didn't give myself the time and energy to heal, as long as everyone else was ok! You know exactly what I am saying
Honestly if there is anything that you do for yourself this year... it is taking the opportunity to find yourself again. The chance to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Would I recommend Emily?
HELL YES!! Simply because….. Emily is a beautiful Earth Angel, who holds your space with love and compassion. She let's you be you, quirks and all. A true intuitive that will allow a session to be whatever it is supposed to be! An honest, generous, kind soul who will guide you to find your inner you. The YOU that YOU truly are in your heart
Miss Emily, you are a Divine Sister
Reiki & Seichim Training
“I decided to do this Reiki & Seichim training as I wanted to complete my Masters with Emily after gaining my Seichim Certification with her. It was such a joyful and relaxing experience, I absolutely loved it. I have more confidence in my abilities and trust in myself after the training.
Emily is bright and bubbly and she helps you feel relaxed and validates you, she is a complete joy. I feel I can definitely integrate what was learnt in this training into my everyday life, I feel this has helped me to continue on my own healing journey and to help others with theirs.
After this training I felt very relaxed and very excited to incorporate what I have learned in my daily life and gift it to others. Its been an absolute privilege to have been taught by Emily and be a part of her tribe.
Reiki & Seichim TraininG
I decided to do Reiki training with Emily as it was a natural progression from learning 1 & 2 with her, I also wanted some motivation to practice and start a business. I can integrate this new knowledge in my own life as well as being able to help others heal emotionally and physically.
Emily is a great teacher, she has simplified the material making it easier to learn this and delivers the information in a fun and easy going manner making it a fun environment to learn, I drive 1.5 hrs to learn with Emily and its totally worth it! I was able to relax and integrate the learnings, release some unwanted energy in the practices.
Renee B
Reiki & Seichim training
I decided to come along to this training as I felt the time was right to step up! The work we did during our Reiki & Seihim training was magical, transformational and uplifting. It has inspired me to embody being more of myself. Lots to integrate and absorb and giving myself time to sit with what comes up.
Emily is sparkly, bubbly and inspiring, sharing truth in a gentle way, it was nice to meet likeminded Souls with beautiful energy who are committed to uplifting others.
I look forward to integrating this into my own personal life, my family and with my own clients.
Thank you Emily!
Reiki & Seichim training
I completed my Reiki & Seichim training with Emily. Both level I & II and then Masters. It was one of the most divine and beautiful experiences I have had. Emily is so supportive and encouraging throughout the whole learning experience. Then there is the amazing support offered afterwards as well throughout this fantastic energetic journey.
highly recommend Emily - she is divinely amazing.
I know I have said this before but honesty I don’t think we can hear it enough, thank you for being you. Thank you for helping me step into and accelerate my soul purpose. I am grateful everyday that the universe n Facebook guided me to you. I really hope you understand what a difference you made in my world n to my story which I got to change much quicker thanks to you. Much love
‘Before this session I was feeling really nervous and off-centre Afterwards I feeling heard, seen and supported by the divine & my higher self.
The biggest take away I will bring into the next week was if I I'm willing to make the small changes and dedicate time to myself then I will see the big changes within myself.
Emily was fantastic, she has a really magical way of keeping it light and the laughter present. Whilst deep diving into things I didn't even know could happen! 💖❤️💖
Soul Alignment Alchemy Coaching
Even after the 1st session I felt I had started to become unstuck! I had always brought the past failures and had lost trust in myself, lacked self worth and felt I was void of choices.
After only 4 weeks of coaching with Emily I have been able to let things go, reframe language and thoughts, I met different sides of me I thought I was supposed to not like, and I was more aware of my mindset and dived into deep seeded beliefs . We created mantras and started actions to “back myself”. This journey is just beginning but it feels good. I feel more at ease.
Thankyou so much Emily - these last 4 weeks I have been much more attuned to myself, my feelings and holding ground with positive thoughts. Would I recommend Emily…. Hell Yes!! Simply because I needed your gentle guidance to support and question me and take me places I didn’t know how to reach by myself. Thankyou!!!
Soul Alignment Alchemy Coaching
I have just completed Emily's 4 week Soul Alignment Coaching. I have greatly benefited from the coaching - I have gained greater insight into myself and have gained more practical skills and self-awareness to help me navigate my daily life. Emily has wonderful energy, enthusiasm and passion, backed by huge amounts of knowledge and skills. I always felt so positive and uplifted after our sessions – HOW REFRESHING! I highly recommend Emily – she has wonderful support to offer, absolutely intuitively tailoring to the individual, THANK YOU so much!
Soul Alignment Alchemy Coaching
Everyone needs someone in their corner cheering from the sidelines. In perfect symmetry, Emily and I choose each other to gift and receive. I am forever grateful for the four weeks life coaching that Emily gifted to me. Each week had gold nuggets, practical steps and space to explore my negative beliefs which got reframed into a new matrix of realistic action and positivity. If you are looking to release stagnant energy, thought patterns holding you back, want to up level your life, Emily is the one you want in your corner.
Soul Alignment Alchemy Coaching
Emily you are the best... Our first coaching session together was the firecracker up my bum that I needed. It's not about being accountable to anyone other than me. I must admit the first week I took less steps than I am now in my second week. Its all about breaking the bad habits we have picked up along the way. In my first week after having an hr with Miss Emily I felt lighter in my soul and more aware of my surroundings than I have been in a long time. I am learning to be more quiet and listen to the inner voice. I thank you beautiful lady.
Soul Alignment Alchemy Coaching
“I wanted to share what an AMAZING human Emily Pettigrew is. who is Emily I hear you ask? Well Emily is an Energy Alchemy Coach for Women who feel they are at a loss in their life.
I have just finished Emily’s Soul Alignment 12 week coaching and it has picked me up, dusted me off and put me on the lighter, higher vibrational track.
Before I started with Emily, I was feeling all the feels, I was stuck in some very deep emotions like grief, sadness and loneliness plus all the other things that go along with such feelings like, crap self-talk, non-supportive food choices, disturbed sleeps and so on.
I knew I needed additional outside help with this lot, it was all just too much for me to work through on my own this time. I am a big supporter of doing the inner work and am working on myself all the time, but what I was experiencing seemed bigger and deeper than what I could handle alone.
Now I feel like I’ve been set free from the heavy emotional burden I had been experiencing, its all resolved and just gone. The charge has also gone, I can talk about past stuff and nothing is there any more. It’s amazing to feel so buoyant within myself.
Since working with Emily here are my results chunked down…
Emotionally clear, was accepted for two rentals on the same day, moved house, everything on my wish list for a home is in my new house, my dream of working with groups of women is now happening, instant manifestation is taking place, flow just happens.
Would I recommend Emily?
HELL YES!! Simply because Emily offers a full holistic package, she’s got it all. Time spent on the table working multidimensionally, energy systems, intuition, taps into the body’s own wisdom to find out the real story, time spent tweaking perspectives through structured conversations. Emily is the real deal and very compassionate, kind, gentle and joyous.
Do yourself a favour and book your 12 week Soul Alignment coaching package for a really deep dive to uncover and resolve the core issues of what’s holding you back.
~ Nicole Rhodes.
Soul Alignment Alchemy Coaching
This coaching is really making me take time out for me... away from TV! Such a good thing ... It is safe to be in my own head, and there is nothing to be afraid of! ... I'm now more relaxed, and my brain has relaxed. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I have no idea why I did that. I cut myself off from myself. I'm having such an epiphany moment tonight. I absolutely appreciate that it is YOU who holds me in your space. I feel safe and acknowledged and loved. You are a very special person, and you are truly working with the greater good. Luv your guts lady!
Divine Women's Circle
Thanks so much for bringing us together and share your wisdom and love with us. Thanks for your energy and your beautiful personality. Beautiful positive energy I feel safe and really the only place I can freely talk. the place I can listen and relate and feel totally part of it all.